17 Months Old

Josie Climbing at Glen Lake Park from Eric Jacobson on Vimeo.

Glen Lake Park Playground.  This is a short walk from home.  We visit it a few times a week.

Josie is getting better at drawing...but sometimes she prefers skin to paper.  Perhaps she will be a tattoo artist.  She'll need to improve her design first.

Her daycare had a Johnny Appleseed festival Friday.  At this station, kids were supposed to take apples from the water bin and race each other across the yard.  Mostly they just took bites and put the apples back in the water.  Josie poured her apple juice on the ground and instead, dipped her cup in the half-eaten apple water and drank from it.  Kind of gross.

She didn't stamp her paper as suggested...

Making Apple Stamps at the Johnny Appleseed Festival from Eric Jacobson on Vimeo.

Mmmmmm.  First corn on the cobb.

Sometimes paper just gets in the way of good food.

Helping daddy wash the car.

Tasting the soap.

Getting some spray from the hose is fun!


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