Haints and Saints Parade, Halloween, and a Leaf Pile

Playing with Bea, a neighbor girl, in her leaf pile.

Leaf Pile With Bea from Eric Jacobson on Vimeo.

Watch a brass band at the end of Decatur's Haints and Saint Parade.  It was very cool.  Four different brass bands from the parade joined each other for a massive jam in the Decatur Square.

Dinner at Twain's, on the patio.  Josie's first time noticing a smoker; She said, "There's something coming out of that lady's stick."

Eating part of her Halloween costume.

We went trick-or-treating with Wade and Lila.  Josie got hit in the face with Wade's Batman boomerang right before the picture.  She ended up having a blast, however.  She nearly filled up the plastic pumpkin (on the wall above) and several interesting conversations with people after getting candy.  I also realized how many steps there are to get to Great Lakes neighborhood front doors...a lot!


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